Wednesday, June 30, 2010

a tangerine thursday and kaleidoscope eyes

b reckons she feels a bit like the girl with kaleidoscope eyes... huh? she says she can picture herself in a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies... wwwhat? she says its lucy in the sky with diamonds... WTD?... by the beatles??... nom nom nom...

just when we thought it was time for our overworked hoomans to be carted away we were rudely interrupted by some noisy tangerine coloured monster invading our property...

doyle is that an egg sack?...

dunno mollie, keep barking... oh it's landing... landing from the sky doyle...

and it's dropping stuff doyle... oh and here's another load, is it all from the marmalade sky??...

maybe its the tangerine trees mollie??

quick doyle...

if it's the tangerine trees than we just might find lucy's diamonds!!!!

cos miracles do indeed happen doyle, just look what i did find!!!!

i was so pleased to see b wasn't letting us down with the new blankie that i just had to slobber all over the evidence to be sure it wasn't all a figment of my imagination... b says she's still playing with hook sizes and number of balls required and other boring logistical stuff... less fluff b, just dive in and do it!!!

blue's picked linen for next week... what were we thinking??


Dandy Duke said...

Firewood to keep you warm this winter! You guys are just too clever with your posts!
Linen is going to be a tuffie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Inky and Molly said...

Oh, we see you had the big wood monster do a stinkie in your back yard. We've had that happen before.
We also have the clothes monster come and do big stinkies INSIDE of our house on a regular basis. Got to watch them monsters...

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have never seen firewood delivered that way. Hope that tangerine monster left so you could go out and investigate the big drop.

Mom can't wait to see the finished blanket - the colors are very nice.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Fred said...

Great tangerine choices! I'm thinking of a tangerine song for my post, too, but I haven't gotten to it yet. ;P

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Once again, woo always know how to paw it!


Asta said...

Mollie and Doyle

Mawmalade skyes? diamonds in the sky?/
sound like Mommi's fntasies fwom when she was lots youngew, hehehehe

glad you got some lovely pwessies dwooped fwom the sky

betweeen the woods and the blankies ,nyou should be wawm and cozy this wintew
smoochie kisses