hermit's eclipse: 5.52pm february 07 2008, stay tuned till November 14, 2012 for the next viewing
ancient greek noun έκλειψις (ékleipsis), from verb εκλείπω (ekleípō), "I cease to exist" a combination of prefix εκ- (ek-), from preposition εκ, εξ (ek, ex), "out," and of verb λείπω (leípō), "I am absent"
Nature Friday
We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~
These pictures are from last weekend as we were not doing too much walking
with so much ice o...
FrEYEday SkEYEday
FrEYEday AM 💕
PM -
Saturday AM -
Then by mid-day or so, it arrived -
So this was our SUNday AM -
But by afternoon - with this one being a POURING rain ...
A Few Words Wednesday
* Excuse me . . . *
*Can you move that sunbeam up just a little bit?*
*Woos - Timber*
*It's the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop time sponsored by Comedy Pl...
A deliberate absence
I haven’t been blogging much so far this year—I know that will come as a
*huge* surprise. There are many reasons for that, but this has been a
mostly inten...
Our little bird, Summer, has flown over the Rainbow Bridge. His friend,
Winter, misses him and calls for him each morning.
Summer - September 2015 - Ju...
Celebrating my Girls
From the first introductions of Lucie and Hailey as puppies, it was pure
January 3, 2009
Zoe didn't care much for Addie when she was a puppy. But...
Summer Speed
Hello! Just popping in very quickly in amongst wrapping a big parcel,
making a packed lunch, sorting laundry, dashing out to the shops, and
packing for a f...
Payhip Shop Reviews
Hello! It is now possible to write reviews of the patterns you buy in my
Payhip shop. So if you have bought a pattern in the past, I would be very
In Which Mom Gets New Props and We Get Snacks
Mom felt the need to add to her supply of photography props, and was in a
steampunk mode. (She's been listening to the 'Leviathan' series; I think
we're p...
Steak and Ratatouille
Last night, I made steak and ratatouille for dinner, because I had eggplant.
The steak was done under the broiler, with the rack set at the top
setting. F...
The Latest Silliness
Here in the Pacific Northwest there are 4 seasons. Not exactly Autumn,
Winter, Spring, Summer in a traditional American postcard sense, but 4
Happy Birthday... to me!!
Today is my birthday.
Yesterday I had a dinner at the local yacht club which is conveniently 1
minute from our house!
I'm not a party person, my close fri...
Just the Two of Us
THE Gruesome Twosome. Me and mama. She just can’t help herself. And
what can I say, the human heart just doesn’t have enough lovin’-capacity to
It was about 3am when I opened my eyes and reached for my glasses. I
gingerly crept out of bed for a nature call. My eagle-eyes scoured the
walls to loc...
Our Little Dog
Just wanted all of you to know how much I enjoyed taking on Tank's
personality and being a part of the dog blogging community. Even though I
haven't blogge...
new place
I'm blogging here these days. Still quilting and baking and reading and
making, but often putting the photos on Instagram, and writing about
different subj...
nevew fowget I love you
Deaw sweet Fuwwiends,
I'm almost nevew on Bloggie anymowe, but I wanted to tell you I'm thinking
of all of you this Chwissmuss season and wish you all goo...
(Remembering you... happy and alert)
My dearest Lorenza:
I want to thank to you to come into my life to enrich it. You taught me to
be patient, tolera...
*In 48 hours, I finally meet my long-standing blogging friend - Mimi!*
*This has been an adventure - years in the making.*
Goodnight My Sweet Stinky Angel
It has been years since this blog has been updated. The numerous passings
of so many old friends was too much to bear. And with this post I bring
more sad ...
For Auld Lang Syne
*With my thoughts somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge, for my dear Jake, who
would have turned 12 this New Year's Day, I visited Bob and Sophie's blog
over a...
A slightly belated Christmas wish from us.. We hope everyone had a
wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year ahead!! Wherever you are, we are
sending hea...
The Pink Avenger is coming.
Hello, in my house, Andy has disappeared. There is a dog walking around
calling himself the pink avenger.
He says he will avenge any doggie that has be...
The Person Behind The Plate #6
My sister sent me a book last week called The Introvert Advantage. I am
most definitely an introvert and reading this has been pretty enlightening.
I often...
Later The Same Day
After my photo shoot at Vet's Klinic see the post A Matter of Taste.
It was time to Chill out
Our first taste of ice cream this year.
hello and farewell
hello, friends. it's me, Bailey.
as you can see, we aren't blogging much lately. human says she is busy
with her work and she is spending a lot of ti...
Super cool inforgraphic on our favorite dog!
H-Mom loves these; she pins them on Pinterest all the time. Infographics
make it easy to share information and they are as much fun to build as they
are to...
Flashdance, the Musical starring Scruffy
Stan here....so guess what!!! We had a real musical premier in in
Pittsburgh this week. Over-sized sweatshirts....leg warmers...can you
guess????? FLASHD...
Guess What Papa saw! by Pippin
Papa and Little Bear went into town today without me! They said I needed
to stay home and keep an eye on Grammy. After church, they went to the
News Flash
*News Flash *
Teddy's result have come back all good! yipeeeeeeeeeeeee
The histology reports showed" benign lesions", the surgical excision being
Hearing Dog Smudge 2000-2012
Dearest Smudge, You came into my life 12 years ago. I was scared of dogs
but I’d decided to give a Hearing Dog a chance and see what transpired. The
first ...
A Movie of Memories and a New Blog
*I made a short video of some great moments in Mango history. I confess
that I had a different movie planned out, but after my movie editor hung 4
times tr...
Mango Man, oh yeah!
*Today, Petey has once more taken over this blog...*
Ah, friends, we lost a good one today. Our friend Mango has headed over the
bridge to join many of o...
Molly's 6th birthday!!
Today is my birthday and I turn 6!
I have had the pleasure of sharing five of my birthdays with my *famolly*
so this is my fifth toast cake which my pinki...
Woofing at you every doggie! How's your wiggers wagging? Now.I know. Long
time no see. But see. Been busy. Preparing for my dig day. Or is that big
day? I'...
And so farewell .
And now the Wilf the PON blog comes to an end.
A special thank you to all those who commented yesterday . The dog blog
world is a place of great kindness...
New Post @ deetzyboy.blogspot.com
Please come and join us again @ deetzyboy.blogspot.com. Soon mom will help
me with this facebook thingy. She said everyone has been keeping in touch
Joey Palooza?!
Today would have been Joey's birthday and the first day of JoeyPalooza. I
do hope all you dogs are celebrating the life of our good friend Joe...
[image: I...
Hey! Lots going on in this post besides just winners and it is the last
post for MM 2012, so sit back and enjoy.
*All winners in all categories - please g...
Farewell old chum...
A year ago today Jackson passed away, so very peacefully. I think of him
often and J2 and I both miss him dearly. We would like to thank you, his
blog read...
Starting Over info...
Everything re my life has moved on for me.
My house sale was 'Fast Track' even for me :)))))))))))))))))
As my life is 'Starting Over', so has my blog....
Kermadec Restaurant, Auckland
We had a brilliant weekend in Auckland, and one of the highlights of the
stay was the Kermadec Restaurant and the degustation menu. This is not so
much a ...
Well Hello!
It's been awhile! We are so thankful for everyones' prayers and love! Mommy
and I did take a break for awhile and are not very sure when we will be
back, w...
Sophie and Balto
Balto has been staying with us quite a bit this fall.
It is safe to say that,
even if only by default,
Balto has become her best fr...
Fortune Cookie Fiend
A little known fact about me is that I am a FIEND for fortune cookies. I
just love that crunchy, sweet goodness... AND you get a little look at your
We Visited Me Mom--Therapy Irish Terriers
Miss Amy brought us to see me mom last night. She kept telling us to be
"good therapy dogs" and me thinks to meself "Uh Oh, I'm only a level 1
graduate (an...
The Month of April
Hello Friends!
I can't believe it has been so long since my last post!
We have been SUPER busy at my new house and Owner Girl got a new job so she
has been ...
Finally, A Real Snow Day!
We finally got a regular snow!!! It was supposed to be rain and snow mixed
up again, but overnight mom Nature changed her mind and when I got up in
the mor...
It was time. I’ve known it for a while. So much of who I have been is in
these pages and I honor them so deeply. But it was time to pull all the
parts and ...