Thursday, May 27, 2010

a cream thursday and one more sleep till the country

psst... i wanna let you into a secret... doyle's a cream puff... not!!... huh??! a cream puff you ask?? well it's slang for a vehicle in excellent condition... and doyles not quite in excellent condition...

our mr vettys surgery room is cream.. and how do we know...

da da... one very unhappy doyle... you see his paws are playing up again and the locum vet wants him to wear this...

he's not impressed and neither is b, she said no way...

that elizabethian collar thingey seems so archaic, it is just cruel... she would rather he wore shoes arf arf arf...

i am keeping out of it cos i've heard a rumour we might be going...

to the acorn...

with all its lovely creamstuff...

we will see our mates... two of whom are cream

and their new cream chooks...

and creamy ducks...

and the creamy donkeys...

and ofcourse the coos...

doyle thinks i can be a right cow some times... arf arf

next week blue's colour of choice is raspberry... that's what b is giving that horrid cone thing... one big fat raspberry!!

pee-ess we dont have internetty at the acorn so will catch up with everyones bloggys when we get back next week, loves and licks!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

run free max

Inside all of us is Hope.
Inside all of us is Fear.
Inside all of us is Adventure.
Inside all of us is a Wild Thing...

loves and licks xxxx

Thursday, May 20, 2010

a red & white thursday and a buddy comes to stay

well i scoffed my tea of red meat, white yoghurt and bikkies rather quickly last night cos inside i had a surprise...

neil had come to stay... see how chuffed i am!

i make him chuckle...

neil lets me watch animal programmes on his bed in the lounge!!

we are mates...

funny thing is though, i don't usually get this friendly... we must be pals!

so i better not tell him all the loves is just cos he's on my bed, i'll just keep that as my wee secret! i'll just let him think i'm cool...

not like that flirty, fickle molly who hasn't even met neil before - she's just way too familiar...

i mean just look at her trying to grab all my attention...

i'm way more the calm, cautious, confident type...

she's just rude... jeez mollie lose the pawing it's so pathetic...

hey neil! woof hooooo... over here, loves over to me please... oi mollie! lose the mouth action ok...

flipping heck mollie...

give way will'ya!

oh man, neil thinks it's funny...

i think she's cringe material...

i cant bear to look anymore...

OMD she's gonna go for licky's in the ears... i just know it...

stop mollie please stop!

blue says next week is cream and then the following is raspberry, oooo i so feel a scone coming on arf arf, truth be told, next week b, c mollie and me are heading up north for a week's holiday at our most favourist place in the whole wide world the acorn cottage... it's really our friends wee cottage but we pretend it's ours!!! woof hoo a week in the country... donkey dung, cow pats, wild rabbits... no phones... so why we telling you this? well i'm not bragging, i'm just letting you know incase next week's post goes missing... loves and licks xxxx

Thursday, May 13, 2010

an azure thursday and can you see what she sees

as most will know digby and jackson left earth this week and it wasn't via the alien invasion lamp, both left pain free with their families close... nice but it has made us feel a bit blue for all things lost...

despite mollie insisting it should all be about her azure blue monkey, we had already decided last week to show you the pics that crazy b has been collecting (yep that scary word again), you see she plays this cloud game thing...

her grandmama used to play it with her when she was really young, they would watch the clouds and call out when they could see things... a goodie was always a pig proving that yes pigs do indeed fly...

grandmama was always so good at it, quick as a wit she would catch that morphing cloud and turn it into the most tricky things... grandmama was the master of distraction...

grandmama used to also play the driftwood game, finding that magical shape lying on that wind swept beach... hours were spent on those wild west coast beaches... above a clear azure blue sky, best after a storm...

here's b... looking very eighties there b!!...

the rule was you could never reshape it... it had to stay as found, the best bits making it home to grandmamas... a monkey maybe...

and some got a wee bit of extra embellishing... an added bit of jasper for eyes, a piece of coveted fabric for a skirt... a tiny straw hat...

so it's back to the clouds... b reckons she sees lots of cloud dogs amongst the azure coloured sky... is she nuts or has she just got her head firmly stuck in the clouds... that i'll leave up to you...

ok we agree she's odd...

and this last one we have especially for blue, you see it was blue's birthday the other day and we've been saving this find for a special post... an upside down rainbow in an azure blue sky which if you look really hard it's actually making a smiley face! loves and licks blue xxx

next thursday blue's rolled out red and white as the colour of the day... how very carnival