Thursday, August 26, 2010

a kiwi thursday and all things hidden...

see any similarities between me and this kiwi... nope?

well what about now... yep, i too have been stripped...

but check out these eyes ... that little boy at the market who said i was a safe dog cos i couldn't see him wouldn't be so cocky now would he!

bit itchy though

oh and would that happen to be a kiwi stripe on this duvet b?

hey and aint this kiwi coloured plate meant to have foodibles on it?...

even a wee bit of something...

maybe the goodies are hiding under the plate...

hey b while she's distracted see what i got for her birthday on the 6th of september...

it's bound to drive her nuts arf arf

it bounces real wierd...

its kiwi coloured too b

doyle... whatcha got there doyle...

nothing mollie... quick b hide it....

c'mon doyle i know you're hiding something from me... is it a whatchamecallit?

oh pleeeeeze b & c tell me what he's got...

i love your squares i truely do even the kiwi coloured ones, oh and i didn't eat the big cushions on the chairs in the lounge promise...

but wait there's more...

yesterday we found out blue was hoping to play burgundy this week, we thought well why the heck not... so im off to hunt whatevers in doyles hiddy places... over to you b, oh crafty one arf arf...

jeez mollie we know you are soon to be one but arn't you getting a wee bit big for your fur dear girl...

i've always been a fan of the bauhaus movement, in fact this very much loved book was given to me by my parents years ago and was a huge inspiration to me during my art school days...

since my newfound crochet 'binge'... (lets hope not) i keep getting that niggley feeling that the granny squares remind me of something...

then it dawned on me… itten, johannes itten's color contrasts, yes...

feel familiar?

it was this realisation that got me exploring other bauhaus genius's, and soon i was discovering inspiration that may have to lead to other crafty based projects, i mean…

let's not forget josef albers...

and his homage to a square...

or wassily kandinsky...

seeing it?

oh and alber's wife anni...

needle or hook?

getting it?



with a palette like this who could fail?

oh and next week at blue's coloured thursday it is white...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

a rainbow thursday and bald behaviour

she knows...

how do you know she knows?

cos i do and i saw her take this piccy of it...

you gonna help me cover it up doyle?, doubt it mollie cos she knows...

uh-oh i'll cover it up then...

how crafty is that... where is she anyway?

i heard her mumble something about 240 squares...

hey b pawsome job... and look how gentle i am with all your squares...

sheesh mollie stop greasing she knows you eat blankies...

so b by my calculations... if you need 15 across and at least 16 high than...

you've got a long way to go arf arf...

hey doyle look what i found... round rainbow coloured ones...

oh for crying out loud what happened to finish one jobby before you start another b?...

and what the heck are they?

maybe they have something to do with these packages that arrive doyle...

with those things i'm not allowed...

in all those sweetie packets...

the rainbow colours all sorta match...

plus if those things i'm not allowed arrive in sweetie packets, and sweeties are foodibles than how come i'm not allowed to eat them?

oh and take a long last look at my beautiful locks, doyle told me i am going to see lindie on saturday and the last time he went to see lindie he came back bald... b, i so promise i wont eat the blankie... i like my locks... don't do it...

next week blue's coloured thursday has called out kiwi as the colour to play... well now thats weird...