uh-oh! - b got the going away bag out and i'm worried, real worried... you see it might be cobalt blue but this bag means i am off to camp!
hold on she's putting my stuff, not their stuff in it... hey that's not my camp bag b, you never pack my wrangler lead when i go to camp... or my raincoat... or my swandri... infact what else is in the cobalt blue bag...
move over i think i had better check, and yes, i know b's photos don't make the bag look cobalt at all but i promise you it is...
cobalt blue monkey, my special aussie balls, my doofus woof shirt for so called, special occasions... huh? that has to be a sign?... or a warning - no? my favourite cobalt blue 'human fetch this for me' toy, the aussie choccy treats that b & c won't let me open, my fluffy cobalt blue pillow.... ok guys what the heck is going on? you sending me away? surely not? i am good, you know i am good and i so love you guys...
OMD b & c just told me we are going on a holiday... seriously!... all 3 of us... me, b & c all together... furryfantasico...
we are going on a loooong drive past all the cobalt blue seas to a place called 'ohaeidontknowhowtosayitandneigtherdothey'...
we are gonna stay in cottage called acorn with cobalt blue planters by the door and cobalt blue skies (we hope)... click on the pic to check it all out, it looks so nice...
we are gonna visit some country fur, real tough country fur...
who fly?... sheesh b those dogs can fly... they must be mates with wolverine, they must be some of the x-men no?... how furry cool are they... i hope they like me...
ok b i'm fairly excited, close it up but for dogs sake lose the woof sweatshirt willya, it's sooooooo last year lapdog and i would be furry embarrased...
see it's not gonna all fit in b... pleeeease.... i don't want them to think i'm a true 'cobalt' blue townie, i am intimidated enough by their superb flying skills b...
i can understand the drizabone and the swandri they are rugged stuff, necessary in the cold but a woof sweatshirt with a cobalt blue woof belongs in central park or rodeo drive not in northland for barking out loud...
woofhoo it's a gonna, i am in control... cool i think we must be good to go...
hold on... wait... what's that? what's b & c trying to slip by me...
doggles!!! aaaaaaa NO WAY! that just ain't gonna happen - bob, brodie and tallulah will think i am a complete doofus! why don't you just put me in a tutu and be done with it for dog's sake... they're gonna think im a right woofter... c help me out here...
hey blue i will be back next week to play purple - i am gonna try and find lotsa purple on my holiday....