b reckons she feels a bit like the girl with kaleidoscope eyes... huh? she says she can picture herself in a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies... wwwhat? she says its lucy in the sky with diamonds... WTD?... by the beatles??... nom nom nom...
just when we thought it was time for our overworked hoomans to be carted away we were rudely interrupted by some noisy tangerine coloured monster invading our property...
i was so pleased to see b wasn't letting us down with the new blankie that i just had to slobber all over the evidence to be sure it wasn't all a figment of my imagination... b says she's still playing with hook sizes and number of balls required and other boring logistical stuff... less fluff b, just dive in and do it!!!
blue's picked linen for next week... what were we thinking??