okay, since it's all about colour on a thursday and because blue said it can be anything this week, i've decided to open your eyes to my world of colour. Take note colour choosers, you are doing a lousy job when you pick red, orange or green cos you see, i can only really see various shades of yellow and blue... and to all you toy buyers out there, keep away from the red aisle it's all shades of grey to me... to illustrate my point i'm gonna use b & c's special painting by the new zealand artist james moore...

below is what you people see...
- pee ess... i reckon b & c must have viewed this painting through rose-coloured glasses when they bought it...
and below is kinda what us dudes see...
- pee ess... how could they have missed all that naughty stuff, i mean it's woofing rude!!
and while we are on the subject of seeing stuff - i think b & c are seeing red at the moment cos old bodie cat is costing them a small fortune!
they think she's sick cos she's throwing up green bile... i've been trying to tell them that bodie cat may be really old but she's still dam scary! mr vetty says all her bloods and poops and stuff are as healthy as a kitten... yeah right, hey mr vetty... it's green and its vile, bile... and it's landing on my stuff... tanner mate... we need a potion... we need doofledore... we need an exorcism to remove the evil... we need to save my treat fund...
next week blue says it's gonna be chocolate... woof hoo, now we are talking... i have absolutely no problems seeing chocolate... arf arf
Tanner should be able to set things to right again. He worked wonders on Joey! All that stuff coming out in technicolor sounds gross.
Oh I see how it is....the boys have been leading me on, getting me to get them all of these wonderfully colored stuffies...hummm.... I will have to call a conference with them on this.
Sure hope bodi cat is okay, those vet bills sure can be draining. :(
I LOVE that painting by James Moore in both human and dog colors! Thanks for introducing him to somebody soooo far away.
Alanis & Miro Airedales, USA
As ever, very original, rather like that painting - I much prefer your view of it.
Hope Tanner does the busness re Bodie - lol!
Love, pats & pets
How very clever you are once again, Doyle!
We hope Bodie feels better soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
oh dear, DoofleDORK er doofledore is on it, I am a tad bit worried about this...
mmm you would be dabbling in the black arts...
Ooh, that vets bill is scary! Hopefully Doofledork can fix up Bodie for real.
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