Sunday, January 31, 2010

the evidence is all here, your honor...

doyle you can't post this! why not? cos it's being a bad sport!... well get used to it ratbutt...

i feel i am duty bound to deliver the following facts you see i have recently read that joey was actually dancing with that girl in the park and i have uncovered the whole story. Exhibit A... joey dancing with a fan while on tour with his group 'boston's arn't terrors'...

the humping pic... Exhibit B... merely a pillow fight back in the hotel room with his support group 'the crustaceans'...

the leathers... well you see he was reportedly 'outed' sifting the streets in a red light district in his leather gear whilst on his gig in amsterdam. the truth?... Exhibit C... turns out the big hearted guy was just dressed 'heavy' to blend in so he could rescue a kitty from a drain...

and that offending hangover pic, hardly read on...

see, it's all over the latest tabloids, Exhibit D... and if that's not enough proof that joey is actually a good sport i also have it on some authority that only tanner would be capable of producing a stingray shaped stain as an oldies stream gets rather dribley...

most daming of all i present Exhibit E... i think he was just trying to save tanner's butt...

i mean the evidence is all here now people look for yourselves... joey's not a bad sport, he's just a big softy... he's even scared of thunder!

hey joey, just incase you are crapping yourself now over our impending face off i've collected a stash of old toilets for your own personal use... who's the bigger bad sport in the mango minster's ring now i wonder...

oh and before i forget i found this pathetic note in the throat of a homing pigeon...

let the kid see the light and vote for me at mango minster's!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

a puce thursday

pondering puce...

puce literally means 'flea' in french, why? cos apparently puce is the colour of a flea's belly... not being familiar with these little critters, i have no idea what the colour of their tiny tummys are... hey mollie you ever seen a flea's tummy?

tummy?... no moll a flea's tummy... a what? oh forget it...

oh mollie you wee winner! puce has to be the colour of a flea's poop which i'm guessing is the same colour that b & c's face goes when they see you pooping on the deck... yes, that has to be it... if puce is the colour of a blood-sated flea than it would have to be a deep, red, digested blood colour... no?

infact it's probably not far off the colour b goes after she's eaten a chilli...

i bet it looks just like all that blood rising to the surface when b finds her shoe outside, mollie...

it is bound to be a pretty good match to b's face when she sees mollie digging up the bulbs...

or finds mollie outside with inside toys...

come to think of it it's likely to be the colour b & c have been going as they try to decide on paint colours... and the colour they went after receiving the painters quote...

to fix our peeling house... actually guys don't you think it should be mollie as the bad sport in this years mangominster...

she always seems to be at the bottom of everything...

i mean, you gotta give me a break here, how much more evidence do you need? so i stash a few bones and i may growl a bit when anyone comes near them... but to be labeled as the bad sport... sheesh!

that so doyle, who scratched the paint off the back door i wonder?...

blue's next colour challenge is gonna be pewter...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

mangominster 2010

mangominster 2010
name: doyle - a selfish zooarchaeologist
gender: male
group: bad sport
breed: cavoodle
esteemed judge: Ike

Zooarchaeology is the study of animal remains from archaeological sites otherwise known as digs. The remains consist primarily of the hard parts of the body such as bones. Such remains may represent the food refuse of animals otherwise known as pets. The job is intensive and relentless!

A typical report based upon a found assemblages will include the following information:
An inventory of the bones, including species and element
Age-establishing data, based upon smell
Taphonomy, including weathering, gnawing, butchery, burying and related processes

My mission: To gather, guard and not share as many bones as I can possibly unearth.
My inspiration: A wee ditty titled 'Dem Bones'.

name: mollie - a dogherd
gender: female
group: herder
breed: cavoodle
esteemed judge: OC

Herding is the act of bringing individual animals together into a group (a herd), maintaining the group and moving the group from place to place. Herding is used to manage domesticated animals, you got that doyle? The herder will often have 'herd' added to the name of the animal they are herding to describe their occupation. Herding requires exceptional speed and endurance. When people are herded it is often known as crowd control.

My mission: To control the world!
My inspiration: 'I want you to want me' by Cheap Trick

Bring it on and may the best canines score!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

a blue and white thursday

well i never and to think i knew it all you see b put a new duvet cover on my bed - our bed doyle, it's our bed and this is a special cover not for dogs - huh? what you mean not for us...

it's our blue and white bouncy cloud cover that c & i bought when we were courting - it all started with this book 'what if?' by jonathan shipton and barbara nascimbeni, it's about a boy who climbed a sunflower as tall as a skyscraper and met a, and i quote, 'brilliant girl' named arabella who knew how to bounce on clouds. you see sunflowers were the first flowers c ever gave me...

you getting mushy b, bit reflective...??

ok i admit it looks and smells like a pretty fine book and the cover is so crisp and cool but i think i will just go out and play the cloud game...

hey mollie i can see me in the clouds....

oh doyle... i think you are losing the plot all i can see is blue sky and white clouds... you pulling my leg... yanking my tail...

oh mollie... you are a kid, you're meant to be into this kinda stuff, vivid imagination, energy plus... i am so over nanny duty... squint your eyes... and here's a free tip from your elder... looking skyward may help...

doyle i'm a learner ok and i'm developing fast. i will have you know i have found my nose and almost my bark... actually come to think of it, and its a stretch but i do see something that has the same profile as your stoopid poodle cut... arf arf arf

and is that asta bouncing on a cloud?...

and me giving you slobbers?...

last week we were a bit worried that mack may have gone into the clouds for real but he's a true fighter with a lot of good energies to spend on this earth... woofinghoo mack, way to go!

next week blue's challenge is puce, yep you read it right, puce! the colour b goes when when we are bad arf arf arf

oh and if you are all wondering why our photos have gone all strange b has a new camera called a hipstamatic... it's distracting her... hey b while we are on the subject of pics you gotta sort us out for this years mangominster pleeeeze...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

an apricot thursday

ok i might be a 'nanny' but at least i am not a 'ninny' like b... you see b put down on mollie's official papers that she was apricot and cream... huh @#$%!!

honestly, apricot and cream... why on earth did you say she's apricot, are you mad?

this is apricot and cream b, open your eyes, mollie dosn't look like this... no way...

come on doyle, live a little - extend your imagination, broaden your mind...

im trying b but in all honestly i don't see it... all i see is apricots and cream, and cream? where do you get the cream?

ah ha... note the subtle difference you made there doyle, mollie is 'apricot and cream' while that bowl of fruit is 'apricots and cream'. cream? well her highlights are cream and she has a wee cream beard and a small blob on her chest...

ooooh sheesh that might all sound tasty b but i think you are pushing the envelope somewhat...

i mean to say... this is cream and it has nothing to do with apricot...

but it seems it is what you put on apricots... mmmm... hey mollie...

get your fur butt over here...

see doyle now you've made apricot and cream...

apricot, apricots... jeez b!

next week blue's challenge is blue & white, in the meantime we would like to send lotsa energies to mack who is really not well and may be having to take that last trip skyward soon... we hope not... loves and licks!