i feel i am duty bound to deliver the following facts you see i have recently read that joey was actually dancing with that girl in the park and i have uncovered the whole story. Exhibit A... joey dancing with a fan while on tour with his group 'boston's arn't terrors'...
the humping pic... Exhibit B... merely a pillow fight back in the hotel room with his support group 'the crustaceans'...
the leathers... well you see he was reportedly 'outed' sifting the streets in a red light district in his leather gear whilst on his gig in amsterdam. the truth?... Exhibit C... turns out the big hearted guy was just dressed 'heavy' to blend in so he could rescue a kitty from a drain...
see, it's all over the latest tabloids, Exhibit D... and if that's not enough proof that joey is actually a good sport i also have it on some authority that only tanner would be capable of producing a stingray shaped stain as an oldies stream gets rather dribley...
i mean the evidence is all here now people look for yourselves... joey's not a bad sport, he's just a big softy... he's even scared of thunder!
hey joey, just incase you are crapping yourself now over our impending face off i've collected a stash of old toilets for your own personal use... who's the bigger bad sport in the mango minster's ring now i wonder...
let the kid see the light and vote for me at mango minster's!